Responsible Investment

Responsible investment is an important component of our investment process and part of our investment stewardship.

We believe incorporating responsible investment in our decision-making process enhances investment outcomes for our investors as well as resulting in better societal outcomes. Considering the impact of ESG factors on the risk, return and longevity of investments provides a more thorough due diligence process and better risk-adjusted returns.

Improved ESG factors can lead to stronger profitability through higher customer loyalty, lower regulatory costs and management distraction, increased employee morale and productivity, lower employee turnover, superior supplier relations, lower cost of capital, and better aligned management with shareholders for long-term value creation.

The growing importance of responsible investment has seen it shift from a peripheral consideration to a recognition that the need for action lies with every business and individual. This has led us to increase our focus on ESG, formalising our approach to ensure transparency for investors and accountability for our investment actions.

Read our Responsible Investment Policy in full.

Links and documents

Kardinia Responsible Investment PolicyKardinia Capital Modern Slavery PolicyKardinia Shareholder Voting RecordKardinia Capital – Stewardship Policy